A Look Back at Bob Blumenfield's 2008 & 2012 Campaign
for Assembly member for San Fernando


This was the official website for Bob Blumenfield's campaign of 2008 and his 2012 re-election campaign as an Assembly member for San Fernando Valley’s Assembly District 45.
Content is from the site's 2008 -2012 archived pages as an edited historical record of his campaigns prior to his election to the City Council in 2013.

His current website can be found at http://blumenfield.lacity.org/.

One Person can Make a Difference

Bob Blumenfield is a dynamic community leader and an effective legislator who is highly qualified to represent the residents of the West San Fernando Valley on the L.A. City Council.

Bob lives with his wife, Kafi, and their two children in Woodland Hills. The family commitment to community service extends to Kafi, who is President and Chief Executive Officer of the nationally-acclaimed non-profit foundation Liberty Hill, which fights for working people, senior citizens, youth and the environment.

As our community representative in the California State Assembly, Bob has delivered for the Valley.

Re-Elect Assembly member Bob Blumenfield for San Fernando Valley’s Assembly District 45

Welcome to my campaign website! I am excited to announce that I am seeking re-election in the newly drawn 45th Assembly District of California.

I’m proud of the work I’ve done over the last three and a half years.  I’ve passed legislation that ranges from cleaning up the road spam of mobile billboards to imposing sanctions on Iran. I’ve built coalitions with our emergency service providers, green tech innovators, domestic violence shelters, and schools throughout the district.  It was under my leadership that we passed the first on-time budget in a decade. Serving the West Valley has been a pleasure and I look forward to my final term in the Assembly.

Please join me in my 2012 campaign.  My team is working hard at my headquarters in Encino and we can always use another hand, foot, or voice to help us get out the vote. On this site you can learn more about volunteering, find out where the next event is being held, read the latest news, donate, or send me your thoughts and comments. Together we will win in November!

Thank you for taking the time to learn about my campaign. I look forward to hearing from you soon.



California State Assemby member


NB: When I returned home to give support to my father as he started a new alcoholism treatment program I avidly followed Bob Blumenfield's 2012 campaign. My parents were big supporters and have continued to be so even as Blumenfield was later elected to the City Council where he successfully served as the Chair of the Budget Committee. The guy is impressive. Anyway,in 2012 it was pretty stressful as my father's drinking had reached the breaking point. Fortunately a family friend had recommended a new approach which believes alcoholism is not a disease, but a symptom of a larger psychological issue, unlike the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) which defines Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) as a “chronic relapsing brain disease”. So I was there to help my parents as my father started taking Baclofen, a med that removes or strongly suppresses cravings for alcohol in 92% of people. I learned that doctors in Europe had been prescribing baclofen as the primary treatment for people who drink excessively for a while. However, his Baclofen treatment required titration (slow dose increase) until his alcohol cravings were completely removed or controlled. Because baclofen has some side effects which usually disappear, my mother needed me. Suffice to say that his program which combined medication (baclofen) to remove cravings along with behavior changes via psychotherapy, was successful.
Blumenfield remains on the City Council to the present day. My parents voted for him in 2017 when he was up for re-election. His council member website is found at: http://blumenfield.lacity.org/


About Bob

Bob Blumenfield lives in Woodland Hills with his wife Kafi and their daughter Nia.  His parents Michael and Susan have the house right across the street and his siblings live nearby with their families. He has been dedicated to improving the quality of life for San Fernando Valley residents for more than 16 years and has been involved with public policy issues for more than 20 years.

He is probably best known for being the District Director to Congressman Howard L. Berman.  He has served the community in this capacity for more than seven years.  Prior to that was dedicated to environmental restoration, creating urban parks and preserving open space in our area as the Director of Government Affairs for the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy.  And, prior to that he served the community by working as Congressman Berman’s Senior Legislative Assistant and Budget Committee Designee.  He has also worked for Senator Bill Bradley, Clean Water Action and on numerous short term campaigns.
Bob is a fierce advocate for equality and social justice. He is the Chair of the Valley Anti-Defamation League, the Vice Chair of the California Trust For Public Schools, and a Boardmember of LA League of Conservation Board (on leave during the campaign).  He is also involved in numerous other organizations and Democratic clubs.
Bob first got involved with social activism and change through politics as a youth journalist for an national youth empowerment organization now known as Children’s Pressline.  He remains involved with this organization  to this day as a Boardmember. He also serves on the Valley Leadership Institute Board because he feels it is critically important to train and develop leadership in the Valley.
He studied public policy at Duke University as an undergraduate, business at UCLA (Anderson School of Business Executive Program) and Communications at USC (Annenberg School for Communications).  

He has worked putting together coalitions for change across every level of government and has also developed effective public-private partnerships.  He knows the legislative process like no other in this Assembly race and is the one candidate who is not only dedicated to improving our future, but has the background and know-how to make it happen.

Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield was elected to his first term in the State Assembly in November 2008.  He represents the 40th Assembly District, which spans the north-west portion of Los Angeles known as the San Fernando Valley, including the communities of Van Nuys, North Hills, Northridge, Reseda, Winnetka, Canoga Park, West Hills and Woodland Hills.

Bob has spent 20 years dedicated to public service and the creation of sound public policy – 18 of them directly working to improve the quality of life for Valley residents.  From 1989 – 1996 he worked in Washington, D.C. as a staff person to Senator Bill Bradley, to Congressman Howard L. Berman and as a staff designee to the House Budget Committee.  He later worked as the Director of Government Affairs for the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and then as the District Director to Congressman Berman.

Bob serves as the Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, and was the first, first-term Democratic Assemblymember to be named to this position. He is also the first Assemblymember ever to serve as Budget Chair and a member of the Appropriations Committee simultaneously




Bob has spent his terms in the California State Assembly creating jobs, helping working families, and working hard for the San Fernando Valley. Below are some of many accomplishments.




Planned Parenthood’s 2009 “Advocate for Access”

TechAmerica’s 2009 “California High Tech Legislator of the Year”

Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project LA County’s 2010 “Champion of Choice”

California Immigrant Policy Center’s 2010 “Immigrant Defender”

Easter Seals’ 2011 “Assembly Leadership Award”

Californians Against Waste’s 2011 “Legislator of the Year”

Child Care Resource Center’s 2011 “Champion for Children”

California Association for Adult Day Services’ 2011 “Legislator of the Year”

ONEgeneration’s 2012 “Outstanding Advocate for Seniors”

California Partnership to End Domestic Violence’s 2012 “Domestic Violence Legislative Champion”

Autism Society of Los Angeles’ 2012 “Legislative Champion”

LA League of Conservation Voters’ 2012 “Environmental Champion”


ARTICLE POSTS 2008 -2010


Kick Off Event 6 7 09

You are cordially invited to the re-election kick-off Brunch in support of newly elected Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield
Sunday, June 7, 2009
11:00am - 1:00pm
Woodland Hillsv For more information, event address, or to RSVP: (310) 264-9200 or Jillian@CharlotteDobbs.com.

Bob's State Party Convention Endorsements

Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield endorses…

Party Officers:

Senator John Burton
for Party Chair
Senator Burton has an extensive political career fighting for progressive issues and speaking for those who traditionally don’t have a voice in government.  He will be an aggressive leader as we move forward with changing the 2/3rds rule in the legislature, as well as, protecting Democrats in the redistricting process.

Eric Bauman
for Party Male Vice Chair
Eric has proven himself as a grassroots leader working on behalf of social justice issues and expanding the Democratic Party.  His red-zone plan in L.A. County to elect Democrats in traditional Republican areas is a model for the rest of the state.

Alex Gallardo Rooker
for Party Female Vice Chair
Alex is a true organizer in every sense of the word.  She began in the labor movement and used her skills to promote the Democratic Party.  As we look to increase Democratic numbers in the legislature, Alex is the type of leader we need.

Eric Bradley
for Party Controller
Eric’s stewardship and dedication to protect the Party’s finances has been outstanding and we need him to continue his vigilance.  In addition, his fundraising skills will help us elect Democrats for years to come.

Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
for Party Secretary
Reggie has done an excellent job of keeping Party members informed and deserves re-election. 

Caucus Positions:

Marilyn Grunwald
for Disability Caucus Chair
Marilyn has been tireless in her advocacy for people with disabilities and for their inclusion within the Democratic Party.  Her activism, professionalism, and dedication will serve the caucus well.

Kess Kessler
for Senior Caucus Vice Chair
As an experienced grassroots activist and party leader, Kess has visionary ideas, practical knowledge, and determination to get the job done.  His leadership and vision are needed today and in the future. 

May 19th 2009 Special Election Ballot Propositions Recommendations and Analysis


Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield

Recommendation:  Support All (Props 1A – 1F) 

Summary:  The State is in dire financial shape.  If these ballot measures do not pass, the Legislature will have to find at least $5.5 billion in additional cuts, or raise that amount in additional revenue. Given the current political dynamic in Sacramento (2/3 budget requirement and partisian budget history) that will likely mean cutting important services like education, and programs that protect our most vulnerable such as Calworks. These programs have already been cut to the bone and it is estimated that the poor State of our economy (lower revenue expectations) means that such a cut would be on top of $8 Billion or more that will be needed just to keep spending in line with current revenue predictions.

The bottom line is that we cannot afford to let these propositions fail. 

Proposition 1A:state spending limit

Implements a spending cap based on the rate of growth from the last 10 years.  It would extend the length of the taxes ($16 billion) approved by the Legislature.  Would increase the amount of money set aside in the state’s “rainy-day fund” in budget boom years and restrict what this money could be used for.

Summary Prepared by the Attorney General:

Increases size of state "rainy-day" fund from 5% to 12.5% of the General Fund.
A portion of the annual deposits into that fund would be dedicated to savings for future economic downturns, and the remainder would be available to fund education, infrastructure, and debt repayment, or for use in a declared emergency.
Requires additional revenue above historic trends to be deposited into state "rainy-day" fund, limiting spending.

Fiscal Impact from the Legislative Analyst:

Higher state tax revenues of roughly $16 billion from 2010-11 through 2012-13 to help balance the state budget.

In many years, increased amounts of money in state "rainy-day" reserve fund.

Potentially less ups and downs in state spending over time.

Possible greater state spending on repaying budgetary borrowing and debt, infrastructure projects, and temporary tax relief. In some cases, this would mean less money available for ongoing spending.


The coalition formed to support all of the ballot measures is California Budget Reform Now.  Organizations and elected officials in support of Prop. 1A include: CA State Sheriffs’ Assn., CA Fire Chiefs Assn., CA Police Chiefs Assn., CA State University Board of Trustees, University of CA Board of Regents,  CA NAACP, State Building and Construction Trades Council, CA Chamber of Commerce, CA Taxpayers Association, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Senate pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg, Assembly Speaker Karen Bass.

3.3.09 Field Poll: 3.25.09 PPIC Poll:

Yes: 57% Yes: 37%

No: 21%No: 50%

Proposition 1B: education finance

Proposition 1B ensures that schools receive $9.3 billion over time, so that the billions in cuts which were made during this unprecedented fiscal crisis are not permanent. The payments to schools will come out of the newly created rainy day fund, but not until 2011-2012 when our fiscal outlook is expected to improve. Prop. 1B only takes effect if the voters also approve Prop. 1A.

Summary Prepared by the Attorney General:

Requires supplemental payments to local school districts and community colleges to address recent budget cuts.

Annual payments begin in 2011-12.

Payments are funded from the state's Budget Stabilization Fund until the total amount has been paid.

Payments to local school districts will be allocated in proportion to average daily attendance and may be used for classroom instruction, textbooks and other local educational programs.

Fiscal Impact from the Legislative Analyst:

Fiscal impact would depend on how current constitutional provisions would otherwise be interpreted.

Potential state savings of up to several billion dollars in 2009-10 and 2010-11.

Potential state costs of billions of dollars annually thereafter.


The coalition formed to support all of the ballot measures is California Budget Reform Now.  Organizations and elected officials in support of Prop. 1A include: CA State Sheriffs’ Assn., CA Fire Chiefs Assn., CA Police Chiefs Assn., CA Teachers Assn., CA State PTA, CA State University Board of Trustees, CA NAACP, CA State Council of Laborers, CA Chamber of Commerce, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Senate pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg, Assembly Speaker Karen Bass

3.3.09 Field Poll: 3.25.09 PPIC Poll:

Yes: 53% Yes: 44%

No: 30%No: 41%

Proposition 1C:CaliforniaState Lottery

Proposition 1C will bring in $5 billion immediately to the state, protecting us from further cuts and taxes. The State Lottery has not been changed since it was first put into place by voters in 1984, and as a result, is underperforming for the people of California.  This reform will modernize our lottery and bring in billions of dollars to address our current budget crisis. Proposition 1C ensures that schools continue to receive the same, or more, money each year.  Other states have enacted the same reforms with success. 

3.3.09 Field Poll: 3.25.09 PPIC Poll:

Yes: 47% Yes: 37%

No: 39%No: 50%

Proposition 1D: Children and Families Trust Fund

Proposition 1D will temporarily redirect a portion of existing funds from voter-approved tobacco tax (Proposition 10). These redirected funds will be used to pay for children’s health and social services and to prevent deep cuts to kids’ healthcare and other programs.  Only a portion of the tobacco tax funds will be redirected, so existing programs currently funded by this revenue are protected.  By temporarily redirecting these funds, Proposition 1D will also help immediately address the state’s unprecedented budget deficit and help us avoid further tax increases or draconian cuts to education, public safety, healthcare and other services.

3.3.09 Field Poll:  3.25.09 PPIC Poll:

Yes: 54% Yes: 48%

No: 24%No: 36%

Proposition 1E: Mental Health Services Act

Proposition 1E will temporarily redirect a portion of funds from the Mental Health Services Act to fund children’s health programs that are at risk of elimination due to the budget crisis, including healthcare screening, diagnosis and treatment.  By temporarily redirecting a portion of these funds, Proposition 1E will also help immediately address the state’s unprecedented budget deficit and help us avoid further tax increases or draconian cuts to education, public safety, healthcare and other services.

3.3.09 Field Poll: 3.25.09 PPIC Poll:

Yes: 57% Yes: 47%

No: 23%No: 37%

Proposition 1F: State officer salaries

Proposition 1F will prohibit legislators, the Governor and other state politicians from getting pay raises whenever our state is running a budget deficit.

3.3.09 Field Poll: 3.25.09 PPIC Poll:

Yes: 77% Yes: 81%

No: 13%No: 13%

For more information, click below links:

  • California Secretary of State
  • League of Women Voters
  • California Budget Project
  • Political Policy Institute of California
  • Field Poll

Swearing-In Ceremony at the State Capitol

On Monday, December 1st, Bob will be sworn in as the new Assemblymember for District 40!
We invite you to join Bob, his family, friends, and supporters in Sacramento on Sunday, November 30th for an evening celebration reception followed on Monday, December 1st for the official swearing-in ceremony in the State Capitol.  For further detail please visit our events page located under the "About" tab.


We Did It - The Results Are In!

 Bob Blumenfield (D) - 58.8%  (59,422 votes)
Armineh Chelebian (R) - 26.5%  (26,743 votes)
Pamela J. Brown (I) - 14.7%  (14,925 votes)
Thank you for all of your hard work on Election Day and your support.  Because of you, the campaign was able to have this strong win.  Democratic registration in Assembly District 40 is 49.61% and yet Bob received support from nearly 10% more of the voters.  With such a significant win, Bob is off to a great start to form bi-partisan coalitions that will support reform measures in Sacramento and bring positive change to the district.


News from around the state

Around The State
In addition to campaigning for his own race, Bob joined Democrats around the state to support other Assembly candidates to bring the Democratic Team closer to a 2/3 majority. 
Thank you for joining Bob in making important financial and/or volunteer contributions to these campaigns -
With the help of volunteers from the Blumenfield Campaign and the Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley, over 50,000 phone calls were made to voters in targeted districts.
We appear to have gained two seats overall in the State Assembly - Joan Buchanan (AD 15) and Manuel Perez (AD 80). 
Although they came close, unfortunately, Alyson Huber (AD 10) and John Eisenhut (AD 26) did not win their seats.
We are still waiting for results in AD30.  Thank you to those Blumenfield Campaign volunteers who traveled to Bakersfield to deploy their San Fernando Valley field tactics in GOTV efforts for Candidate Fran Florez.


The Jewish Journal interviews Bob Blumenfield...

July 23, 2008

State Assembly hopeful is a political and personal bridge builder

If elected, one of his top priorities will be California's "quality of life," especially in upgrading the state's infrastructure. "Every one dollar invested in infrastructure adds seven times that amount to the general economy," he said

By Tom Tugend

Kafi, Nia and Robert J. Blumenfield. Photo courtesy Robert J. Blumenfield

Kafi, Nia and Robert J. Blumenfield.
Photo courtesy Robert J. Blumenfield

When Robert J. Blumenfield was 12, he covered the 1980 Democratic and Republican conventions as a reporter for a youth-oriented magazine, and he has been hooked on politics since.

In June, Blumenfield, 40, always addressed as Bob, won the Democratic primary to represent the 40th Assembly District in Sacramento, which in this heavily Democratic enclave in the San Fernando Valley is considered tantamount to election.

The Journal met with the candidate in a quiet coffee shop, close to the Van Nuys office of veteran Congressman Howard Berman, where Blumenfield's multiple duties as district director include serving as liaison to the Jewish community.

To Blumenfield's own surprise, he won the primary outright by 53 percent against three opponents in an Assembly district that includes Van Nuys, Northridge, Canoga Park and Woodland Hills.

The campaign to succeed the termed-out incumbent Lloyd Levine was acrimonious, fueled by chief opponent Stuart Waldman's charges that Blumenfield's father and Berman had funneled large contributions to the winning candidate through a nominally independent committee.

With national attention focused at the time on the Democratic presidential contest between Sen. Barack Obama, the first viable black presidential candidate, and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, local political and social analysts took a special interest in Blumenfield's family life.

His wife, Kafi, is black, has a law degree from UCLA and is now president and CEO of Liberty Hill, a foundation working for social, racial and economic equality in Los Angeles County.

Bill Boyarsky, a Journal columnist, moderated a debate among the Assembly candidates at a synagogue and filed a report on truthdig.com.

"Bob Blumenfield is white, Jewish and chairs the Valley Advisory Board of the Anti-Defamation League," Boyarsky wrote. "His wife is African American. They live across the street from his parents. She was in the audience at the synagogue. Twenty-five years ago, this would have been impossible."

Then, pointing to Obama's campaign, Boyarsky observed, "It could be that race relations in America are taking a new turn, unfamiliar to those of us who see everything through the prism of mid- and late- 20th century conflict."

Kafi Blumenfield touched on the same topic, though suggesting that the "new turn" still had some way to go.

Speaking at Liberty Hill's Upton Sinclair dinner, she reminisced, "After I arrived in Los Angeles, I met a wonderful man. His name is Bob Blumenfield. We got married.... We have a beautiful baby, who I hope is home asleep right now.

"Last month, I was trying to find a part-time baby sitter, and I got a call from our search agency. 'Mrs. Blumenfield,' the agent said, 'would you hire a black?'

"Bob and I face a lot of challenges building bridges between his heritage and mine. Our daughter, Nia, will also face challenges of dealing with racism and anti-Semitism.... What community does my daughter belong to? She is black, and she's Jewish. At her day care center, the kids speak Spanish."

Nia is now two-and-a-half years old and, said her father, is being raised "100 percent Jewish and 100 percent African American."

To cement the Jewish part, Nia had a baby conversion ceremony, conducted by a Reform rabbi. A little later, the parents held a baby naming ceremony for "Ruth" at the 212-year- old Hebrew Congregation Synagogue in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, where some of the mother's relatives live.

Asked how the respective families felt about the marriage, Bob Blumenfield said, "The reaction was generally positive, but there were a few hiccups. Our parents were very supportive."

On the campaign trail, the interracial aspect tended to be a plus rather than a minus, and during debates the most hostile remark came from a questioner who wanted to know whether Blumenfield was loyal to the United States or to Israel.

Blumenfield was born in Brooklyn, but was raised in Scarsdale and celebrated his bar mitzvah at Beth Am Shalom, which he described as a Conservative/Reconstructionist temple. His father is a still-practicing psychiatrist and his mother a social worker.

"It was a mixed marriage," said Blumenfield. "My father was a Republican and my mother a Democrat." Eventually, mother and son brought the father over to their side.

After graduating from Duke University with a degree in public policy, Blumenfield headed for the nation's capital in 1989 and landed a job as an aide to Sen. Bill Bradley, a New Jersey Democrat.

He moved on to become legislative director of Berman's office in Washington and, following the 1994 Northridge earthquake, focused on getting emergency relief for the stricken area.

Blumenfield got an even closer look at Los Angeles politics as government affairs director for the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy between 1996 and 2000.

"It's there I got to know a lot of political leaders, like Zev [Yaroslavsky] and Antonio [Villaraigosa], and also learned the difference between Sacramento and Washington politics," he said.

Blumenfield made another switch in 2000 ("All my life decisions seem to coincide with presidential election cycles," he observed) and became the district director for Berman's congressional office in Van Nuys.

Surrounded by politics and politicians, Blumenfield had considered for a long time running for public office. After establishing a family, persuading his parents to leave the East Coast, and joining Temple Kol Tikvah in Woodland Hills, he felt "rooted enough" to run for the Assembly seat.

If elected, one of his top priorities will be California's "quality of life," especially in upgrading the state's infrastructure. "Every one dollar invested in infrastructure adds seven times that amount to the general economy," he said.

Fundamentally, though, "everything begins and ends with the budget," Blumenfield said, and he advocates eliminating the requirement for a two-thirds majority to pass the state budget, moving from a one-year to a two-year budget cycle and possible modifications of Proposition 13.

His Republican opponent in November is Armineh Chelebian, whose parents came to the United States from Iran in 1978 and who is of Armenian descent.

She is an accountant and describes herself as a mother, grandmother, pro-Israel and an optimist used to overcoming obstacles. "I am not a partisan politician," she said. "I want to focus on the issues and serve the community."

The Journal asked Howard Welinsky, the dean of Southern California Democrats and chair of Democrats for Israel, for his evaluation of Blumenfield.

Welinsky, who campaigned actively for Blumenfield in the primary, described the candidate as "very smart, experienced and thoughtful ... in today's world of blogs, it's very hard to find someone like him."

Welinsky added, "I favor candidates who are versed in public policy but realize that it takes politics to achieve their goals. Bob is one of the few who combines these qualities."



The polls have closed, the voters have spoken and Bob has won the Democratic nomination for the 40th Assembly District.  Bob received more votes than all the other candidates combined - winning with 53% of the vote. 

Bob has a definitive mandate that he will take into the November General Election where he is expected to win in the heavily Democratic district.

In the campaign headquarters after the polls closed, Bob told the packed house of well wishers:  I have been humbled, honored and inspired by this campaign experience. I am so grateful to everyone who generously gave their time, energy, and labor to making today possible. Together we pulled off this amazing victory, and together we will improve Californian’s quality of life and advance the values and policies that this campaign was based upon.



We are proud to announce that the Los Angeles Times has followed many other Los Angeles leaders in endorsing Bob Blumenfield for State Assembly in the 40th District.

"Assembly District 40, Democratic primary: Bob Blumenfield. Voters seeking to replace Lloyd Levine in this San Fernando Valley district have a wealth of choices. Blumenfield is their best bet, combining the political get-it-done savvy he gained as a congressional aide in Washington with a deep knowledge of the district and a command of the budgetary and other structural problems facing the Capitol."



May 23, 2008
Dear Friends and Supporters,

I know some of you are outraged by the latest accusation by one of my opponents.  Some of you have suggested I sue Mr. Waldman for defamation, others have suggested more colorful responses. Normally, candidates are advised not to respond to ridiculous charges because it only serves to repeat the charge which may be unknown to a large portion of the voters. In this situation, the charge leveled by Mr. Waldman’s campaign is so unbelievable and contrary to the truth that we have decided to not respond to the charge in the mail and assume that the voters are smart enough to separate truth from fiction.

For those who may not be familiar with what is going on, here are the facts.  In mail to voters, Mr. Waldman has accused me of supporting the war in Iraq.  He has juxtaposed a grainy, unflattering picture of me next to one of George Bush.  Not only is his accusation completely untrue, Mr. Waldman knows it is untrue. He sites no facts and offers no supporting documents to backup his scurrilous accusation. Even more importantly, Mr. Waldman heard me state without reservation that I oppose the war in Iraq during the more than 20 campaign debates we had.

I have stated publicly on numerous occasions that I vehemently oppose the war in Iraq and that I am sickened by the continuous loss of life, not to mention the $3 billion per week that we are spending in Iraq which would be better spent on domestic social programs.

For Mr. Waldman to accuse me of something he knows is completely untrue is politics at the worst. I am appalled that he would exploit such an important issue and then lie about my position.

I thank you for your kind words of support and know that with friends and supporters like you, we will be successful on June 3rd.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (818) 785-4469.

Bob Blumenfield


Please join the Bob Blumenfield Campaign for...


MAY 24 & 25 2008


-  pick up your voter lists and campaign material
-  get trained to speak with voters
-  learn the latest campaign news & endorsements


*7277 Hayvenhust Avenue, Suite B5
Van Nuys, CA 91406

Please RSVP to Natalie at 818.785.4469 or nattie31@gmail.com



Please Join Bob Blumenfield’s Campaign Team for...


SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2008

Meet at 10:00am at Headquarters and get EXCITED, meet with BOB, and

10:00am – MOBILIZE with WALKING and meeting the PEOPLE!
2:00pm – Come back to REFUEL!
3:00pm – MOBILIZE and WALK!
7:30pm – End the day with a PIZZA PARTY!

Please contact Natalie at 818-785-4469 or nattie31@gmail.com for more information




10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Please join the campaign team at the new and fantastic headquarters with lots of great activities and fun!

Campaign Headquarters:

7277 Hayvenhurst, Unit B5, Van Nuys 91406

(at Sherman Way - behind Denny's Restaurant)

For more information, please call Natalie at 818-785-4469


 Campaign Headquarters kick off day soon to be announced, so stay tuned...

As for now, we are open and operating!  Please drop by -- volunteers are welcome! The headquarters is located at 7277 Hayvenhurst, Unit B5 at Sherman Way in Van Nuys. There is ample parking.  Bring a friend!

Give us a call (818) 785-4469.


Bob was overwhelmingly endorsed by the California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO which represents 2.1 million working men and women in California. 


Los Angeles County Federation of Labor endorses Bob's Campaign for State Assembly along side many local unions.  Not only will organized labor turn out their own members to vote for Bob, they will be a tremendous source of volunteer walkers and phoners!


Mayor Villarigosa, Attorney General Jerry Brown, and Coucilwoman Wendy Greuel have all joined the Blumenfield team as enthusiastic endorsers. In addition, the Democratic Women of the San Fernando Valley has endorsed Bob as the best choice to represent the interests of women of the 40th Assembly District.


Environmental leaders continue to provide strong support for Bob's campaign.  The Sierra Club has joined the California League of Conservation Voters in choosing Bob to represent the 40th Assembly district.


The 1.9 million-member SEIU, the fastest-growing union in America, has endorsed Bob for Assembly.All seven of its membership divisions unanimously agreed to recommend Bob.


Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has endorsed Bob Blumenfield in the 40th Assembly District Primary Election scheduled for June, 2008.

Pelosi joins a growing list of state and local elected officials endorsing Blumenfield. They include: 

  • Howard L. Berman, Member of Congress
  • Bill Lockyer, CA State Treasurer
  • John Chiang,  CA State Controller
  • Alex Padilla, CA State Senator
  • Lloyd Levine, CA State Assemblyman
  • Zev Yaroslavsky, LA County Supervisor
  • Jack Weiss, LA City Councilman 
  • Tamar Galatzan, LA Unified School Board Member


Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez has endorsed Bob Blumenfield in the 40th Assembly District Primary Election scheduled for June, 2008.

Nunez joins a growing list of top Democratic elected officials endorsing Blumenfield. They include: 

  • Nancy Pelosi – Speaker of the House of Representatives
  • Howard L. Berman, Member of Congress
  • Bill Lockyer, CA State Treasurer
  • John Chiang,  CA State Controller
  • Alex Padilla, CA State Senator
  • Lloyd Levine, CA State Assemblyman
  • Zev Yaroslavsky, LA County Supervisor
  • Jack Weiss, LA City Councilman 
  • Tamar Galatzan, LA Unified School Board Member


California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer, State Controller John Chiang and Senator Alex Padilla today joined Congressman Howard Berman in endorsing Bob Blumenfield in the 40th Assembly District Democratic Primary scheduled for June, 2008.

Blumenfield is director of Berman’s district office in the San Fernando Valley. Previously, he worked on Berman’s legislative staff in Washington, DC.

Berman announced his strong support for Blumenfield in a letter he sent last week to some 2,000 of his own local supporters. In that letter Berman said:

“I am strongly supporting and deeply committed to Bob Blumenfield's candidacy for the 40th Assembly District, and I urge you to join me in helping him in every way you can.  Bob has worked with me for more than 16 years.  He runs my California office and is one of my top political and legislative advisors. He has been a key player in helping me advance my most important legislative priorities.  He has the intellect, energy, experience and integrity to make an excellent legislator.”

In addition to his years on Berman’s staff, Blumenfield worked for several years on the staff of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy.  He is married and the father of a 14-month-old daughter. He and his family live in Woodland Hills.


Assembly candidate Bob Blumenfield today announced six blockbuster endorsements in his campaign in the 40th Assembly District Democratic Primary Election schedule for June 2008.

Congressmember Henry Waxman, whose district heavily overlaps the Assembly District, added his name to the growing list of Blumenfield supporters.

At the same time, Blumenfield disclosed the endorsements of the California League of Conservation Voters, the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters and Joiners, California State Council of Laborers, Southern California Pipe Trades,  DC  #16 and Operating Engineers Local 12.

“These latest additions speak clearly to the depth and breadth of the support lining up behind Bob Blumenfield’s candidacy,” said political consultant Larry Levine, who is heading Blumenfield’s campaign.


My Name Bob.

Bob Blumenfield, the district director for Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), is running for a seat in the California Assembly in 2008.

Blumenfield already has scored the endorsement of his boss, as well as the backing of state Treasurer Bill Lockyer (D) and state Controller John Chiang (D). Blumenfield has served in his present position since 2000.

Prior to being hired as Berman’s district director, Blumenfield served on Capitol Hill in the office of former Sen. Bill Bradley (D-N.J.) from 1989 to 1991 before moving on to Berman’s D.C. office from 1991 to 1996.

Blumenfield enjoyed a four-year sojourn away from government service from 1996 to 2000.

Blumenfield is running in a Democrat-leaning Assembly seat that opened up because of term limits, and a victory in next year’s June primary should assure him an easy general election contest and a new job in Sacramento, Calif.

The suburban Los Angeles seat he would represent includes approximately 420,000 constituents

UPDATE on Bob Blumenfield From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert J. Blumenfield (born September 13, 1967) is an American elected official in Southern California Blumenfield is the Los Angeles City Councilmember for the 3rd Council District which encompasses the southwestern San Fernando Valley neighborhoods of Los Angeles, including Canoga Park, Reseda, Tarzana, Winnetka, and Woodland Hills. Blumenfield took office on July 1, 2013. Blumenfield previously represented the 45th district in the California State Assembly, which also covers the southwestern San Fernando Valley.

Prior to his election to the City Council, Blumenfield served in the California State Assembly from 2008 – 2013. He was the first Democratic freshman Assemblymember to ever serve as the Chair of the Budget Committee. During his four-year tenure as Chair, he led the State from the brink of economic insolvency to structural balance and surplus. He delivered his last three budgets on-time and balanced – a feat that hadn’t been achieved during the prior 25 years. In addition, he radically changed the budget process to make it more transparent and accountable.

Capitol Weekly called Blumenfield “a shining light” with a “reassuring amount of perspective that is uncommon among so many politicians.” He was extraordinarily prolific and effective in the Assembly, having had over 50 bills signed into law. He is considered an environmental and consumer champion and has won numerous accolades and was named “Legislator of the Year” from a diversity of groups which included, TechAmerica, Easter Seals, New Horizons, ONEgeneration, the California Chiropractic Association, the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters and Californian’s Against Waste. Planned Parenthood gave him both their prestigious “Champion for Choice” Award and their “Advocate for Access” Award.
